About Us

Hi! I'm Jin, nice to meet you! I'm so glad to have you here!

As I was an international student, my only goal was to get a corporate job and settle down in Australia.

However, I also dreamed of being self-employed, having a job that made me happy and that I enjoyed... little did I know Iā€™d go on to create this role for myself.

I used to go into my workplace thinking & dreaming about running a little biz, being my own boss then Iā€™d just think - what would I sell? How would I do it? Now look where we are. :)


Iā€™ve struggled with anxiety & depression since last year due to workplace issues. I think many would agree that 2020 was a very difficult year.

When Iā€™m at my worst, I find taking a walk and getting fresh air really helps to lift my mood or take a weight off.

Itā€™s good thinking time for me. I left my full time job in May this year (2021) and my health has improved a lot since.

The one positive of having anxiety was it forced me to leave my full time job earlier and pushed me to take a chance on myself. šŸ™Œ


Sometimes when Iā€™m overwhelmed and stressed, I think back to those times I was suffering and think about how grateful I am now. Ā 

Sometimes when negative thoughts come back, I re-read all the great reviews and messages from my customers about how happy they were when they received my mugs and it really makes me happy and pushes me to achieve my dream business.


A huge thank-you to every one of you, youā€™ve all changed my life for the better and I am forever grateful. šŸ’—


Kind Regards,

ā™„ Jin ā™„